Monday, 16 August 2010


Heinzy revisits Dragon Age with a thrust.


Being one of the two surviving Grey Wardens from the Battle of Ostagar, Eriden had been through a lot when he met busty Morrigan for the second time that day. He had woken up naked in a small, stinky cabin, with the witch oogling his white undies, his last memories being that he was about to get gangraped by a group of evil Darkspawn. 

Sunday, 15 August 2010

DSgusting: Dora Puppy

 Once again, Musicman takes on a truly awful DS game.


I don't know about you guys, but I grew up with Tamagotchi and Digimon. In retrospect, those little handhelds weren't complex or all that interesting in any way, but there was a very real sense of responsibility associated with them. After all, they were fickle beasts that tended to die at a moment's notice, and for a little kid with bigger plans on his mind, that moment tended to come often. Every time, though, I was sad, because there was something I had put a lot of time into, and it vanished without a trace.
Live, damn you!

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

DSgusting: Let's Play Flight Attendant!

Musicman3000 takes a look at the games that the kids of today are disappointed to find in their stockings.