Wednesday 11 November 2009

Heinzy's Hours of Dragon Age: Origin: Two to Five

Hours 2-5: Warming up

With the game installed and my bladder empty, I start up the GAME. Yeah, you just lost it.

I decide that I want to create a Conan the Barbarian version of me, which is basically Arnold with red hair and sideburns. He is a fighter, so he wields a great big sword so he can decapitate people, and he is also the son of a nobleman, so that he absolutely WILL decapitate someone, since noblemen are kinda dicks that way.

Since I rather not spoil the game for anyone, I will just sum up what happens in the next 2 hours:
And I get a DOG! Omfg dis gaem is awsum!

"Is that your tail, or are you just happy to see me?"

Now, this seems like a good start! Everyone likes me, I got a pretty dog and I can run around in my undies freely!

What could possibly go wrong?


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